05.06.23 – My Only Project Today was a Fail.

Well, the only thing that I wanted to do today was set up a second monitor for my personal computer setup. And that failed. Why? The second monitor cannot be detected. I was fiddling with it, searching the internet for a solution. Nothing worked. To say that I was annoyed and frustrated was a huge understatement. My roommate tried and we concluded that the port that I was using on my computer was broken. That was the only logical explanation since the connecter that she is currently using for her setup did not work on mine when we tried it. I ordered a thing from Amazon to see if that would work, but we shall see. This was really the project I had today and it did not go well. Hopefully, tomorrow I’ll be able to figure this out.

But, guess what I have been consuming the whole day, The Hills. I am currently in Season Three. Okay, let’s get this straight, I am not one to watch some trashy reality TV but this along with Laguna Beach was my show of choice back in the day. What? I was the same age as these kids. My life was definitely not as interesting as this. Anyway, the definitely hits differently when you’re in your 30’s. So this will be what I’m consuming tonight until I’m sleepy.

Of course, I am also reading tonight. Webtoons though. I am still on break from novels. I will pick it up again soon though. I really want to continue on with Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 3. But I feel like I have a book hangover from Book 2. Almost like needing to marinate what went down in that book.

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