05.06.22 – Thank God It’s Friday

Total cliche but you know what, it’s true. Those of us who work a 9-5 job, a job that is not stimulating, yeah, thank god it’s finally Friday. But no, I’m not going to complain about work. The only good thing right now at work is the fact that the person who I can’t stand has not been onsite for two weeks. And seems like I won’t see her for the most part of next week either. Fingers crossed.

Decided to get out of the office for lunch today. A friend and I went to Shinya Shokudo, a Japanese restaurant. I got rice with curry donburi – really good. There is just something about Japanese curry that always hit the spot. But I think there might be allergen in there, cause now my throat is itchy, my eyelids are again swollen, and I have runny nose. I took allergy pills so I am hoping that takes effect soon.

Almost done with My Friend Anna, I have about 60 pages left. So this book will be done tonight. I’m currently looking for my next read. I have some books from Book of the Month, but I’m very tempted to read Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. I’m still on defense with that book just book it’s a chunker. The edition I have has 817 pages. I get easily intimated by big books, what can I say. It doesn’t stop me from buying them though. We’ll see. I’m definitely not feeling romance right now. Or I’m not feeling a story where romance is the main plot. Again we’ll see.

My hun had a boys’ night. I do miss him but I know how important boys’ night to him. And when I say boys’ night, it means talking in PS party chat, either they are playing some co-op game or doing their own thing. I’m hoping he had fun. They hadn’t been really able to hang out lately because of schedule conflict I think. I personally not had the need for something like friend’s night or something. Like I said, I’ve always been a loner. But I love that my hun has something like this setup with his friends. Friendships are important.

But tomorrow is date night. And I’m thinking that we should go back to playing some stardew valley or it takes two. I personally think I need a break from animes. Nothing really interests me at the moment. My hun do still have a bunch of animes and shows that we need to continue and finish. But I think I have an anime hangover with Trigun, Persona5, and Yuri on Ice.

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