05.05.23 – I’m Not Sure If I Was Tired or Just Lazy.

I was not sure what happened to me today. I was hit with a big “I don’t want to leave the bed” mood. I was not sure what to call it. I guess I could call it laziness. But I also felt tired. Exhausted almost. I was just underneath the covers the whole day. I woke up, fed the dogs, cooked breakfast, had coffee, I tried to sit in front of my computer. But I decided to go back to bed. Granted I read some but it was not the capacity I would’ve liked. After maybe an hour, I stood up, went to the kitchen, made my second mug of coffee, sat in front of my computer, and then decided to go back to bed. Then repeated the motions, without the coffee this time. But honestly, it was a struggle.

I was able to hang out with my hun today though. Which was nice, since I was feeling really unproductive the whole day.

Naruto. Well, finally the final stage of the Chunin Exam started. The first fight was between Naruto and Neji, which I was very excited to see. Aside from major things and the outcome of something, I really do not remember many of the details of this anime. So for the most part, it felt like I am watching the anime for the first time. I just remember that I really did not like Sakura, which I still don’t. I told my hun to just form his own opinions on her and her character since I’m really biased in my thoughts about her. I mean right now, she has not done anything. She could’ve been taken out of the anime at this point and the plot would’ve moved forward.

Inuyasha. I really refuse to comment on Kagome at this point. I saw the demon Inuyasha, and boy, he was something. And the black-haired Inuyasha showed up in this episode too! Tetsusaiga broke! And now, after the repair, it was heavier. But I am excited to see what this sword can do now that Inuyasha’s fang was used for the binding. I got to see Sesshomaru a little bit. So that was nice.

Horimiya. We were enjoying this anime. I liked the fact that we got to see some of Miyamori’s struggle, I guess a more in-depth one. And honestly, I came to the conclusion that people just suck. I mean who would bully and isolate a kid like Miyamori? Just because he was shy? Because he was awkward? I never saw this happening firsthand when I was in school, but I know it happens in real life. And that was just horrible! Also, Hori has some kink. I personally have no issues seeing that, however, this display happened in a public setting which made it a tad uncomfortable. It was one of those things that you don’t really show the public because of the fact that the kink should be between you and your partner. If it happened in a private place, sure. But the fact that classmates and people on the street were subjected to it was the issue. It all boils down to consent for me.

Anyway, I currently doing laundry because why not? I personally do not want to deal with it tomorrow so I just decided to get it over with. I am kind of itching to fix my computer station tonight. But I will just do that tomorrow morning after I come back from the store. I would be reading tonight as well. But I would be reading webtoons tonight instead of a novel. I want to take a break from reading novels for one more day.

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