05.02.22 – I Do Not Have the Energy to Adult Today

Sometimes I wish that I was still a kid. No care in the world. No responsibilities but to go school and be good at it. Ever since I started working, I haven’t stopped. Everything else became secondary priority. Earning money has been the most important thing. I don’t like it but you know bills. Even now, all I can think about is I need to find a job that pays better. Why? Because cost of living is getting worse. And salary increases don’t really take that into account. Oh well, I’m just venting. I know I’m not the only one feeling the inflation in cost of living. And I know that other people have it worse than I do.

What else do I miss? Oh yeah, nap time! I just wish that there is a paid designated nap time at work! I mean that would be great. Morale will be up because hey naps when you’re an adult is a luxury! And these kids just take it for granted. I remember fake napping when I was a kid and now, once noon hits, all I can think of is that I need a nap.

Work was a meh today. I was not in a good mood. I tried to avoid any conversations with anyone onsite. Of course, I could not do anything about the meetings I had. So I was a bit quiet on those meetings and only speaking when asked, which was not good since I always try my best to be engaged. But today was just not good.

My allergies were also off the chains. Well actually still are. My face is red, my eyelids are swollen and itchy, my neck is raw and red, my scalp is itchy and irritated, my lips are also itchy. So to say that this did not help my mood at all today is a huge understatement.

The lab director was also onsite today. On some days I feel okay when she’s there but today, it stressed me out. And she didn’t even do anything to trigger that emotion. She was just onsite. And I felt suffocated. Again – she didn’t really do anything. I think I just didn’t want to deal with people today. And she just so happened to be there.

I was only able to read 2 pages at work. Because I couldn’t focus. And also because the lab director was there, it was harder to bust a book out and read. But it was really more on the fact that I couldn’t focus. I think I had to read a few sentences two or three times because I felt like they didn’t register in my head. Yeah. It was tough. I will be reading a bit tonight though so hopefully my brain is in a better mood to absorb whatever I’m reading.

I went to Marshall’s today after work. And I had to actually stop myself from buying a Steve Madden backpack. Because I have way too many backpacks to be honest. I just like backpacks and I want a new one. It took all the energy I have to not grab it and pay for it. Yay for discipline! But that back is no nice though. It will not fit my laptop but it will fit my chromebook and some other things, like a book and a journal and all the other things that I tend to travel with. Oh and it will fit my 40 oz hydroflask. I guess I’ll stick to window shopping for now. I mean I’ve been perusing Amazon for backpacks. And I have my favorite ones in my shopping list. But hey, at least I haven’t bought anything yet. I think that’s a win.

Hope I feel better tomorrow. Or work will be unbearable.

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