04.30.22 – The Bed Calls My Name

Damn. I was so sluggish today! Woke up, fed the doggos, and started doing laundry. And then I took an unplanned nap. UNPLANNED. I just decided to put head on the pillow and bam. I woke up and the documentary that I was watching before the nap was over and something totally different was playing. I still felt unrested. Drank tea in the afternoon to get some caffeine in me. Didn’t help to be honest. I’m still feeling very sleepy.

Finally watched Twilight with my love. LOL His commentaries were funny. Apparently, he watched the movie before during a supernatural literature class and my question was, why in hell would they choose Twilight? Why not Dracula or Interview with the Vampire? Yep, I had questions on who decided the curriculum. That series do not follow the vampire lore at all. Especially the most integral part – not being to survive under the sun! The movie is definitely problematic in some cases, but I just can’t let myself to hate it as much or make fun of it. I enjoyed the series at one point in my life and I will continue to adore it I guess.

Finished Trigun today…And not going to lie, the ending was meh. It was anti-climatic for an ending. I was so stuck on the fact that the ideals Vash was fighting for were not even his. It was an ideal dream by Rem, a pseudo-mother who “raised” him and Knives for like what? 5 years maybe? And then I got even more annoyed because it has been 130 years since Rem died, and Vash didn’t learn anything. 130 years of being exposed to humans and Vash failed to learn and form his own principles! Come on! Even in real life, there’s no such thing as black and white. There is always a sacrifice for a bigger gain. That’s just how life works. I even joked with my hun that Vash will hug Knives and everything will be okay. Guess what? Vash still didn’t kill Knives considering how much human lives Knives has taken. I don’t get it. Don’t get me wrong, I like the anime. Storyline was good. I was pissed at some parts – Wolfwood dying – but definitely one of the good ones out there.

Watched more of Persona5. Futaba is adorable. My hun said that Ren and Futaba have shippers out there. But I didn’t get that energy from them in the anime. Definitely more of a sibling relationship going on between those two. But I like her. It’s nice to see her making friends slowly after being so trapped in her head alone for years. Haru…she feels like a random add to be honest. I don’t know. We’ll see. But I feel like she is somewhat out of place. And that person in a black mask…I’m putting my money that it’s that Detective Prince, Akechi. It’s him. Watching Morgana’s struggle was difficult. It was all about finding purpose and feeling helpless. And getting over that. I hope there is some sort of happy ending for him.

Tomorrow, I have to do some errands. Go to the store, which I’m already getting anxiety just thinking about it. I hate crowds and stores are always crowded. Even in the morning. But afternoon, hopefully I get to hang out again with my love. I’m planning to watch New Moon with him. LOL

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