04.29.23 – NANI? We Actually Watched Movies?

We were never a movie-watching couple. We were more inclined to choose to watch a series or an anime in lieu of a movie. Not that we do not like watching movies, we just prefer the other formats. But today, we decided to watch two movies, two episodes of Naruto, and two movies of Inuyasha.

Scream (1996). This was a rewatch for both of us. I watched it a long time ago, and this was actually one of my favorite slasher movies, if not my favorite. How was the rewatch for us? I enjoyed it. I think the acting was pretty good. Sure there were some questionable physics, but I still appreciated it. The twist was still pretty good. I love Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard in this movie. They were awesome. It was just funny how I forgot some of the actors who were in this movie – Jamie Kennedy, Rose McGowan, Liev Schreiber. Anyway, Ghostface was actually one of my favorites. I wanted to watch the rest of the movies in the franchise. I watched the 2nd and 3rd movies, I don’t remember much though. I just remember bits and pieces.

Tower Heist (2011). After watching Scream, I was in the mood for another movie. I was thinking of another thriller. But my hun found this movie on Netflix! He was surprised that I have not watched it yet. I love heist movies. And this one has “heist” on the title. Anyway, we enjoyed this movie. It was fun. We laughed and we got stressed. There were moments when my hands were sweating because I was getting into the movie so much. Overall, I would most likely watch this again.

Naruto. Oh, the fight between Naruto and Kiba was good. Those two episodes were deserved. For a while there, Kiba was really good. My hun loved him. And Akamaru. We love that doggo. But I mean, Naruto’s clench game was strong on this one, and that really became Kiba’s downfall because of his heightened sense of smell. Hinata was adorable. I mean, she was always adorable. But she was special, she saw Naruto when no one could. By that I mean, she was always watching him. What an adorable little creeper.

Inuyasha. I really do not like Kagome. Not one bit. Anyway, I was glad I got to see some Sesshomaru in one of the episodes. But, this anime did so many subplots. There was too much going on. I was pretty happy that there was a brother conflict between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. Because I do need a break from the Sacred Jewel storyline. Because Kagome. Right now, I think there were three plots. The Naraku one. The Kikyo one. And the Sesshomaru one.

Plans tonight? Well, I need to finish my laundry. And I think read while I am waiting for the third load to be done. On a side note, the sun has been out the past couple of days. Clear skies. But also, getting hotter. I do not like it.

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