04.28.22 – When the Time Stood Still

Yes. I know. The title is a tad dramatic. I tend to be dramatic when I get bored at work. And it happens at lot more than I care to admit. Yeah I know I know. But time really stands still in that lab. I personally think that it’s just not busy enough for me. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the job in general is not challenging for me anymore. And that is not the fault of the lab I work at right now. But more on the fact that I have been doing this for far too long and I’m hitting a wall. To be honest, most likely had hit a wall for some time now. I often wonder what would have happened if I had gotten that lab manager job that I wanted three years ago, would I be bored now? Who knows, knowing me, yes. Probably.

The only saving grace I had from the boredom today was a book I decided to bring with me. I don’t normally bust out a book at work but I was desperate today. I was just staring at the computer all day and I have nothing to do. Normally, I would just read at work and hide in the conference room if I only have a few pages left to read. But today, I just needed something to break a monotonous hum of my workdays.

I am currently rewatching You on Netflix. This would be the 5th time I’m watching it I think. I lost count. I don’t know what it is about this show that makes me keep coming back to it when I feel like I’ve exhausted every possible resources for media entertainment. Well that’s a lie. I just like the show so much. I really did like how they characterized Joe Goldberg. Compared to the book of the same name by Caroline Kepnes, I prefer the show. This is one of the few times that I can honestly say that the show is better. I read the second book (Hidden Bodies) too, but I still prefer the show. I often say that the second book was a sequel that no one asked for. Well in my opinion anyway. Not planning on reading the third book. But I will continue to consume this show as much as I want.

Got to watch some animes with my love. Well, we did watch two animes but a few episodes of each anime. We started out with Trigun. I’m really enjoying that anime for sure. So I got pissed when my hun told me that there is only one season! What the heck?! Why??? Why would an anime as good as this only has ONE SEASON?? I shouldn’t be surprised to be honest, Yuri on Ice only has one season. Yeah, I’m still not happy about that.

The other one is Persona5. This one I really like as well. I really love how well made this one is. And also, I like how this anime is making my hun nerd out since he played the game. Right now, at this very moment, as he is driving to work, and as I am typing this, he is talking about the game. I really find it adorable and making me smile a lot. He compares the show to the game a lot and so far he thinks that there has been no major discrepancies. They called themselves misfits but I think they are more outcasts. And I love how the creators let them found each other. Their backstories are definitely heartbreaking especially this last character that was introduced, Yusuke. HEARTBREAK. HEARTBREAK. HEARTBREAK.

Tomorrow is Friday! Thank goodness. I swear, I’ve been looking forward to Friday since I woke up on Monday! We’re doing some potluck at work tomorrow and I decided to bring lasagna…I will be cheating though. I just got the frozen one because no way in hell I’m putting much effort on cooking for this. I do want to get some more reading done tomorrow. So hopefully I get to do that.

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