04.22.23 – Laziness was Strong in Me Today.

Had a late start today. Yes, I woke up late. Well, way later than normal. And I think that was a major factor in my mood today. Not that I’m not lazy daily. But I just found myself dragging the whole day. It was fine, I mean I was still able to go to the H-Mart to get some groceries. I wanted to get some Filipino food but the restaurant was so busy that I just decided to get some Filipino breakfast to go instead of dining in the restaurant.

I got home and took my sweet ass time to do laundry and wash dishes. But the dishes got washed. And now the last load of laundry is waiting patiently for the dryer.

I tried reading this afternoon. The keyword is tried. Because one hour since I started reading, I only read ten pages. Not my fault that I could not focus. The food coma hit me so hard that I had to keep reading a sentence so many times. So I gave up and just laid down and cuddled with my dog because why not.

I am planning on reading tonight though. Because I need to take advantage of this mood. After those weeks of a reading slump, yeah, I want to take advantage of this. I picked up a new book, The Lies I Tell. I mean it’s interesting right now. The story is still in the set-up stage. But that is fine. I might want to pick up Heaven Official’s Blessing Book 2 after I read a couple of chapters of this new book. But we shall see. If the story picks up, I would probably just read this continuously. Yes, I have a habit of reading multiple books.

The Lies I Tell by Julie Clark

Again this is just a plan since I have a huge feeling that I will pass out. So we will see what I end up doing.

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