03.03.23 – PTO Coming to a Close

This makes me sad. I’ve been enjoying this no work thing. And now I would need to go back to the real world, because I fucking have to.

Anyway, I visited Chris’ folks today. And yes, you guessed it – I overate. And yes, I passed out because of food coma. Regardless, it was a nice quick visit and catching up. My mom took home a lot of plants for her backyard.

I read a lot of webtoons on the way there, and read a few pages of The Killing Dance. I do have a feeling that I will not be able to finish any book till this vacation is done. It’s all good. At least I got some reading done. I am not complaining. I feel like my vacay has been successful.

Now, all I can think of is that I do not want to go back to work. And yes, I am having some major anxiety going back. I am not a big fan of flying, and I would have to go back to work next week. And I don’s want to.

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