03.01.23 – The Day for Filipino Movies

I did not do anything productive today! I just watched Filipino movies with my parents. I read a little bit, but my time was very much spent hanging out in the living room watching Netflix with my parents. I also try not to read during the day just because I came here to spend time with my parents. Not isolate myself to read a book. I also took a nap because food coma. But for the most part, I was just spending time with my folks.

Mommy Issues. This was definitely a rewatch for me. But I got to watch it with my mother this time, so it was all good. Well, this movie, as you can tell by the title, is about a mother-daughter relationship and how the mom in this movie had a hard time letting go of her daughter. I think they meant for the movie to be heartfelt. But it fell a little bit short on delivery. Honestly, all I saw was an entitled daughter. I hated the fact that at 22, the daughter acted like a kid. Sure, the mother had her faults but damn, if the daughter’s argument was the fact that she is an adult making her own decisions, then act like one. It annoyed the shit out of me that she was so defensive and being so immature when her fiance asked her to help with the chores. I just cannot buy the excuse of “I didn’t realize that this will be my job” or “I’m tired because of work”. Bitch, he did not say that you will be doing the chores all the time AND he also works full time and tired from work as well. Carry your weight. Living together is a partnership. Anyway, rant done.

Can’t Help Falling In Love. One of my favorite movies to repeat. Granted I might be biased because I really do like the actors playing the MCs on here. But it was something different you know? It’s definitely not the regular formula for Filipino romance dramas. I love it. I laughed, I cried, I was engaged with the movie. It was good fun.

The Girl Allergic to WiFi. This one was surprising. I kept on passing this movie up when I browse on Netflix. Damn, that was a mistake. I liked. The premise for this is definitely something I have not seen before. It was definitely refreshing. The fact of the matter that I was tearing up at the end of this movie shows how much the movie pulled at my heartstrings.

The Hows of Us. Well, this one is about second chances, it definitely followed the right love at the wrong time trope. And it’s so good. Yes, again I was crying through this movie. Like wtf.

Also, a few days here and I am finally enjoying watching some basketball again. I used to watch it religiously, maybe it’s time to pick it up again. We shall see. I do not feel like getting ESPN for something like this.

I am planning on reading tonight. No excuses this time. Last night I passed out. I took a nap earlier so hopefully that can keep me up later than what has been happening to me the past few nights.

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