02.26.23 – The Never Ending Food Coma in this House

I have not gone hungry since I arrived here in SoCal. I honestly think I have been overeating, to be honest. Not complaining – I am just stating a fact. My parents like to eat. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Yeah. The meals are not light either. I do not even consider their snacks actual snacks. I feel like they are full meals.

I am again having some major food coma issues. I really just want to crawl in bed and pass out. When I really should not. I have not done anything productive since Thursday. I was just watching TV with my folks and stuffing my face with food. I have not read at all. And I brought three books with me! Because I thought I would be able to pick them up and read. I guess not. That needs to change.

Tomorrow, I should be free to do some resume updating so that I can apply to jobs aggressively. And hopefully I get to read! Well I want to read tonight. Last night I passed out even if I did not want to. That was sad. I have been reading webtoons though. I just really need to sit and read tonight. Planning on finishing one book tonight.

I also need to do some laundry tomorrow. Hopefully I can get to that as well. And one more load so I can do it closer to the day when I go back to the PNW. I’d really rather not take any dirty clothes back up North. But that is not happening. We shall see.

My brother and sister-in-law visited today. Also the reason why we have so much food today. After eating lunch, we watched a move called Me Time. A movie with Kevin Hart and Matt Wahlberg. Funny. I was fine. It was funny. I mean, it’s not the best comedy but it was funny and my brother and I had a good laugh.

I watched Only You with my folks this morning. A Filipino romance movie. It was refreshing. I mean, the love interest is not the typical drop dead handsome prince charming BS that Filipino movies love to cast. It was cute in its own right and I appreciated how unconventional it is. But I had a question about what happened to the love interest because I really did not see the point of why it was done. Just to get some tears from the viewers maybe? I mean sure I was sad about it, but I was irritated at that. Like I said, I did not see the point of why it happened.

Anyway, I guess I should try and read now if I plan on finishing a book tonight.

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