02.24.23 – Food Coma…Again

Why is there such a thing as food coma? Why? Why?

Anyway, I definitely felt this last night when I arrived here last night. I went to dinner with family at BJ’s and it was good. I won’t even be surprised if I actually over ate. I mean I have been doing that lately. I have been doing that lately. Binging has been happening more lately. I am not proud, but that is my unhealthy response to stress.

Today, I do not think I over ate but I still felt that way. I mean I still felt that I was going to pass out after that lunch with my parents. I mean, I did end up dozing off on the ride home. That also could be because I slept late last night. Who knows, I am not going to overthink it.

Remember when I said yesterday that the first trip that my parents were taking me to was an MD appointment? Yeah, so we went there this morning only for my mom to find out that her appointment is not until the 28th. I mean, she had some doubts this morning and I told her to just call them to confirm but she did not. So we drove for an hour to get there only to turned away. Sure, we ended up doing some groceries, and eating at Max’s Restaurant but personally, I’d rather we stayed home. I was lazy afterall.

I watched a tagalog movie with my folks. An Inconvenient Love. It was fine. I mean I did find myself cringing a lot and rolling my eyes. And saying “Oh god”. I mean, I really should not be surprised. Classic Filipino rom-com. It was okay. I knew what I was walking into when we started watching the movie.

I have been reading webtoons today. I have not been able to just read a book. Hopefully tonight I get to pick it up. I still need to make sure that I get enough rest though, since I did not get much sleep last night. My body woke me up before freaking 5:30 AM. Not good. Considering that I wanted to sleep in since I AM ON VACATION. It’s just weird how my body refuses to want to sleep in at times like this, when all it wants to do was sleep in during workdays.

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