02.19.23 – My Brain Refuse to Comprehend Anything

Oh god. I am livid. Annoyed. You work your ass off for the year, and then the refund you get is a slap in the face. I mean, if you paid more for filing your tax compared to what you’re getting back is what I call bullshit on another level. Thanks a lot. You might as well tell me I have no refund.

Anyway, I had a sluggish Sunday. All I did was lie in bed. And watch YT videos. Do not get me wrong, I did cook some yellow rice with spam this morning, and threw away the trash. But the rest of the day, boy, I was not moving. So basically, my productivity ran out yesterday. I just refused to move. I was even thinking of reading today, but that did not happen. My brain just said “Nope. You are not moving today. You are not picking up a book.” And I complied. No regrets, it was a pretty relaxing Sunday.

I did not read last night either. I planned to. But I got distracted with Pretty Little Liars. And all I could think of was “Why the fuck are these grown-ass men pursuing minors?” And what killed me really was the fact that this was okay when this TV series got released back then. You have a teacher pursuing his 16-year-old student. A med school student pursuing a 16-year-old girl. Not to mention what happened in the past, when these kids were just barely 14 or 15! I mean really?? Really? This was greenlit for production? I do not know why it was so normalized. So dangerous. This should not have been a thing. Should never be a thing.

Anyway, I am planning on reading a bit tonight. Just for an hour or so. We shall see, that is the plan anyway.

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