02.07.23 – Low Energy Tomato

I have not been keeping up with my daily posts lately. For that, I am not happy with myself. Let’s just say that I have been distracted lately. I just feel like my life is a mess. And we will leave it at that.

You what I cannot stand? People not reading the room. I mean you have coworkers losing their jobs in a couple of months, and you are out there partying in whatever conference and posting your stupid videos and photos where the people impacted are seeing it. I’m not saying not to party, I’m just saying not to rub it in. Whatever. They suck.

My hun and I got to hang out today. We watched two episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and three episodes of Haikyu!!

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. This anime has lulls in it. I think that is my main complaint. I mean, the anime is good. I understand why it is one of the mainstream anime in the West. It has action scenes, comedic breaks, and the storyline is pretty solid. But damn, when it hits a downtime on the anime, it gets difficult to go through. Do I think it is overrated? Yeah, but then again, like my hun said, he can say that about Bleach. And that is fair. But if this is one of the first anime that people had watched, I do understand why people hyped it so much.

Haikyu!! Now this anime is just soooo good. Even their low-energy episodes are not low-energy at all. Something is always happening. The individuals on the team just kept on wanting to improve. I mean granted from the start, I am rooting for Karasuno since they are the underdog, but seeing them strive to be better individually, and seeing those improvements adapted to the team was just awesome to watch. My hun said that we should watch this anime first. So even if we are moods are down at the beginning of our hangout, if we start with this anime, we will still enjoy it and most likely will get our moods up right away.

I had a rough night last night, I was having issues sleeping. My allergies were all over the place. I did not get to sleep until 3:30 AM. I was reading last night, and then I stopped when the time hit midnight but I was just tossing and turning. It was not good. I had no energy the whole day. I mean nothing new there, I was just more tired than usual.

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