01.29.23 – When Clothes Refused to Dry

Ah, I was feeling a little meh today. I blame the person who burned their food again this morning setting off the fire alarms. Again, I’m going to rant about this, watch the shit you’re cooking. It’s not fucking complicated.

My day has been lazy. I cooked with my love. Threw trash. Washed dishes. Did Laundry. Well, some of my clothes are still in the dryer since they refused to dry entirely for some reason. But for the most part, my fully dry clothes are folded and put away.

I did not get to read today. Well, I read a webtoon episode that came out today. But not my book. Yeah – I was not in the mood I think.

I watched a movie and marathoned a series with Chris.

The Hunger Games. Yeah, honestly, I liked this movie. I enjoyed the novels as well. I mean, it was refreshing having a strong female character. I am not saying that Katniss has no issues. She is far from perfect but it is nice to actually have a heroine who is not a damsel in distress. Sure this is a YA dystopian movie, so there are some teenage things going on but I can forgive that.

Dead to Me. This one was dark. And the comedy sprinkled in there was genius. Each episode just made the situation messier and messier each time. There were definitely some questionable decisions made but without those, the story would not have worked. The cast was just phenomenal. The story hooked us from the very fist episode. And the cliffhangers. Oh god. Yeah. This show was great. We finished the first season and I just had to watch a couple of episodes from the second season. Because why not?

It’s getting late now, and technically I should be sleeping. Or at least trying to. But I am wide awake, I think. So if I don’t pass out the moment my head hits the pillow, I would be reading. That is the plan anyway. I mean, I am still waiting for the rest of my clothes to dry so I can fold them.

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