01.09.23 – When a Headache Gets in the Way of Anime

I have been having headaches lately. Typically, this would be when I decide to go to the MD and ask what the fuck is going on. But you know, after my expensive trip to a neurologist, I decided never again unless I absolutely have to. Because healthcare sucks and I refuse to spend $$$ again for a visit where I did not even get a conclusive diagnosis. “You might have this. Take this when you feel it.” “You need more sleep.” “Let’s check back in when you are done with school.” No. And with the medication that I cannot even use because I cannot breathe when I take it, yeah, it’s a “no thank you, maybe next time” for me.

Anyway, we were a bit busy at work today. 84 samples were no joke. And then the never-ending software testings. I mean I do not know what it is but come on, hire people who can be actual stakeholders for these kinds of things. Do not take people out of production to do these, especially with the teams being short-staffed. Whatever. 

I am planning on reading tonight before I sleep. Not long. Maybe for an hour or two. We’ll see. I feel like when I actually lay down in bed and have my head on my pillow I will just pass out. I have been staying up over the weekend to read. And honestly, that could be why I am having really bad headaches. But I have been really liking the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series so I cannot even think of a reason why would I not stay up on days that I have no work.

No hangout today with my love. He is currently streaming though and I am watching him play this game called Crown Trick. It looks fun. Would I play it? Probably not. But then again, I really am not a big video game fanatic. I enjoy it more when I play with him. Hopefully, we get to hang out tomorrow. I think we have Bleach, Souleater, and another one that my man is assigned to pick. I think he has a couple of anime in mind but has not picked which one. We shall see.

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