01.01.23 – Stop with the Fluff!!

How was your New Year? Did you celebrate at midnight? I remember NY Eve celebration being such a huge thing when I was growing up. I just think that NY Eve celebrations were so huge in the Philippines. I do not know if this is still a thing though, most likely. Filipinos love to party. I kind of dialed down by a lot. I mean, even when I was still in SoCal, as I got older, I just found myself not really doing anything. So now, that I am far away from family, I literally just stayed home in my sweats. Just reading. I cannot complain, it was awesome.

I finished Guilty Pleasures last night. And my god, I forgot how much I enjoyed that book. It was a really good introduction to the world of Anita Blake. What she does, who will most likely be the repeat characters as the series goes along. I laughed, I smiled, I swooned, I cringed, I got annoyed, I got livid, I got my heart broken. Let’s just say that I enjoyed the first installment of the series. 

I do have a few books in mind that I want to start reading. But since I seem to be on a vampire kick right now, I plan on continuing with the Anita Blake series – The Laughing Corpse. Being a mood reader can be difficult. I have a few unfinished books on my bedside but those will need to wait. I need to ride the vampire wave right now.

Anyway, today was lazy. Since I did not go to bed until almost 4 in the morning, I was really sluggish when I woke up. It was fine. I did not really need to do anything today. I did manage to hang out with my hun to watch some anime. 

The Case Study of Vanitas. We watched episodes 9 and 10. Really good episodes. We got some action sequences, we got introduced to Roland, and we got to actually see some of Vanitas’ backstories. And the episodes connected pretty well with the premise of the anime. Awesome episodes. We enjoyed it and I loved them. And then episode 11 came, and 40 seconds in – I had to stop it. I mean granted, I really need to give the episode a chance since it might be important to the story. But come on when you open with “Vanitas, we should go on a date”, that raises red flags to me for unnecessary fluff that the anime does not need. And this is how I feel about this anime. IT DOES NOT NEED A ROMANTIC SIDE STORY. You give me amazing two episodes, action sequences, dark themes, and amazing characters, and then you give me fluff next? The anime is not even that dark and heavy for it to need a palate cleanser. I don’t know, I’m still debating if I just want to drop this anime.

Haikyu!! Yeah, we are really enjoying this. We just ended up watching six episodes of this anime. We love the Karasuno team. Most members are likable, granted we are only getting the main members of the team. That did not matter though, even the team members from opposing teams are likable. The character development in this anime is just so amazing. It is really enjoyable to see Hinata’s progress and how he adapts to hurdles on the court, with the help of his teammates. Honestly, the fact that even the members of an opposing team also cheer him on is really refreshing.

Tokyo Ghoul. We finally decided to continue on after a weird hiatus. We just rewatched season 2 episodes 6 and 7 for a refresher. I will probably have more to say once we actually watch some more episodes. One thing that really stands out to me with this anime is Kaneki’s internal struggle. It’s just so hard to watch since you know that he is trying so hard to not let the ghoul be in control. It’s hard to watch but honestly, it’s what draws me to the anime.

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